Forests and Water
Forests and Water
Science-Policy-Practice Interface for Managing Forest and Water Interactions under a Changing Environment

Water is fundamental to life on earth. What may not be quite so obvious is that forests are equally vital resources for life on the planet.
And the two – water and forests – are inseparable in the pursuit of a sustainable and sustainably developed world. Therefore, forests and water resources have been identified as essential elements in adaptation to climate change.
Read more…IUFRO Spotlight #87 – Getting everyone on board to succeed in forest landscape restoration
IUFRO Spotlight #87 – Getting everyone on board to succeed in forest landscape restoration

Photo: Forest College & Research Institute, Telangana, India
The world is degraded. Worldwide, according to a 2018 UNESCO publication, land degradation affects 3.2 billion people – about 40% of humanity.
The degradation is human caused, drives species extinction, intensifies climate change, and adds to mass human migration and increased conflict, the report indicated.
So, a critical question becomes: how do we build or, perhaps more accurately, rebuild a sustainable world?
Read more…IUFRO Spotlight #86 – Analyzing the complicated forest-water relationship
IUFRO Spotlight #86 – Analyzing the complicated forest-water relationship

More than 500 years ago Leonardo da Vinci said: “Water is the driving force of all nature.”
There is a corollary that could easily be added to da Vinci’s truism: Water is greatly aided and abetted in that role by forests.
Forests play an integral role in the water cycle by enhancing the world’s supply of clean water. Much of the globe’s freshwater is provided through forested catchments.
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