Archive for July, 2019

Congress Spotlight #70 – Explaining forest research findings to non-scientists: Some tools and ideas to facilitate communication

Congress Spotlight #70 – Explaining forest research findings to non-scientists: Some tools and ideas to facilitate communication

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Communication has been defined as the process of passing information and understanding from one person to another. But, to be effective, the information passed must be in a language and terminology that the person or persons receiving it will understand.

By Анна Куликова from Pixabay (edited)
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Congress Spotlight #69 – Sifting through underlying values and ethics to make sound nature management decisions

Congress Spotlight #69 – Sifting through underlying values and ethics to make sound nature management decisions

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How does one decide how to manage a forest ethically?

Ema Image by arqgilson from Pixabay

One could simply say: do the right thing. But, the right thing for whom? And defining right and wrong – concepts that can vary according to moral climate or individual circumstance – is not all that simple.

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Congress Spotlight #68 – Forest Trees and the Climate Change Challenge: Survival May Mean Diving into the Gene Pool

Congress Spotlight #68 – Forest Trees and the Climate Change Challenge: Survival May Mean Diving into the Gene Pool

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Because of climate change, forest tree species have three options. They can adapt, migrate, or extirpate.

“The outcome depends upon the tree species and population, its genetic variation, its reproductive biology and flowering synchronization, its migration potential and whether the environments in the areas it can migrate will be hospitable enough to allow it to survive,” said Dr. Paraskevi Alizoti of the Laboratory of Forest Genetics and Tree Improvement in the School of Forestry and Natural Environment at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece.

Altitudinally marginal population of Pinus mugo in Italy.
Photo by Piero Belletti
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