How to obtain desired results in forest restoration through technology and cooperation
Northern Mongolia, sub-taiga forest, Tujyin nars National park, is the second blog post of the FLR Snapshot Series. The second largest landlocked country in the world, land of Mongols, with breathtaking landscapes. Tujyin Nars Reforestation Initiative was created to restore pine forest that had been deforested and degraded due to improper forest harvesting and frequent fires. It has become one of the best examples of successful forest landscape restoration of deforested and degraded forests in northern Mongolia.
Read more…Governance and Forest Landscape Restoration at IUCN World Conservation Congress 2016
Summary on a session held at the IUCN World Conservation Congress, Hawai’i, USA, on 3 September 2016
The purpose of the session was to better understand governance challenges related to forest landscape restoration (FLR) implementation, and options to address these. The session was organised as follows: Stephanie Mansourian introduced the subject of governance and FLR. She was followed by four case study presentations: Nadine Crookes from Parks Canada, John Crockett from the US Forest Service, Gérard Rambeloarisoa from the Madagascar Biodiversity Fund and Chris Buss from IUCN, and then 20 minutes of questions and discussion. A total of 30-40 participants attended the one hour session. Read more…