Posts Tagged ‘payment for ecosystem services’

Future for nature-based recreation and tourism

Session I-8B(85)
Tuija Sievänen
Thursday, 27 October 2016, 10:30-12:30 (Room 307A)

Bench under a tree. Photo: all-free-download, George Hodan

Bench under a tree. Photo: all-free-download, George Hodan

This session highlighted future prospects of research in the field of nature-based recreation and tourism programs that aim to improve recreational activities and support the positive effects of green infrastructure on health and wellbeing.

A study from Finland showed how recent changes in tourism and recreation have been driven by factors such as population growth, increasing cultural diversity, changing leisure and working time, climate change, improved economy, technological changes, transport developments, decreasing environmental quality and emerging systems of policy and governance. It is important to better understand these continuing changes and be able to predict future demands and scenarios. Read more…

IUFRO - The International Union of Forest Research Organizations