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Ancient woodlands, trees and forests are at the very core of many global landscapes. However, understanding the resource which these living landscapes provide requires genuinely multi-disciplinary research.

Consequently, the book “Ancient Woodlands and Trees: A Guide for Landscape Planners and Forest Managers”, which was recently published as IUFRO World Series 37, has gathered contributions by leading experts in ecology, history, heritage, and management of ancient trees, ancient woodlands and forests. Taking trees, woods and forests as eco-cultural resources, the authors explore ecology and nature, history, tradition and heritage, and the evidence base of archaeology, literature, and archives.

Ancient woodlands and trees have long been and will remain important elements of our cultural landscapes; a living archaeology and often relics of former land-use and distinctive countryside. These ancient woodlands and trees, widely considered as the “common heritage of mankind”, have been some of the most typical components of diverse landscapes over hundreds and even thousands of years. Furthermore, the woods, trees, and forests reflect the close contact between mankind and nature and, in some cases, connect to specific historic events or people.

The production of a major review volume which brings together key researchers and writers from across Europe and beyond, is immensely valuable to landscape planners, forest and woodland managers, and to a wider audience such as policy makers and educators, too. It also contributes to international efforts towards identifying, recording and developing globally important agricultural heritage systems.

Overall, given the urgent need to discover, understand, conserve and where necessary restore ancient woodlands and trees, it is hoped that this publication provides a modest step to raise awareness and enthusiasm.

IUFRO World Series Vol. 37 – Ancient Woodlands and Trees: A Guide for Landscape Planners and Forest Managers

Alper H. Çolak, Simay Kırca & Ian D. Rotherham (eds.), 2018.

IUFRO World Series Volume 37. Vienna. 272 p.
ISBN 978-3-902762-91-7
ISSN 1016-3263




The International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO) is the only world-wide organization devoted to forest research and related sciences. Its members are research institutions, universities, and individual scientists as well as decision-making authorities and other stakeholders with a focus on forests and trees. https://www.iufro.org/